
WE have always leaned as sustainable as we can be, but as of 2022 we committed to prioritizing sustainability by completing re-designing the mechanics and vessels we use to continue to provide cutting edge trends and design styles, without the toxic and micro plastic laden floral foam that most florists feel forced to use. By creatively using reusable chicken wire and moss components paired with custom built vessels, we have been able to cut out this toxic product.We also favor locally grown flowers whenever possible and recycle all packaging and compost all botanical trash and left-overs. We look forward to the day that the flower industry starts using plant plastics and compostable paper products, since flowers have such a short shelf life to begin with, it would be an ideal product for easily compostable packaging. If your looking to prioritize sustainability within your wedding, we are the florist for you!

Our Contribution to the Bees

The Problem of Bee Decline

Since the late 1990s, beekeepers around the world have observed the mysterious and sudden disappearance of bees, and report unusually high rates of decline in honeybee colonies. Bees make more than honey – they are key to food production because they pollinate crops. Bumblebees, other wild bees, and insects like butterflies, wasps, and flies all provide valuable pollination services. A third of the food that we eat depends on pollinating insects: vegetables like zucchini, fruits like apricot, nuts like almonds, spices like coriander, edible oils like canola, and many more… In Europe alone, the growth of over 4,000 vegetables depends on the essential work of pollinators. But currently, more and more bees are dying. 40% Loss of commercial honeybee in the US since 2006, 25% Loss of commercial honeybee in Europe since 1985, 45% Loss of commercial honeybee in the UK since 2010. The bee decline affects mankind too, our lives depend on theirs. For more information click here to be redirected to Greenpeace's save the bees website.

Royal Bee Florals and Events - Los Angeles #savethebees

WE BELIEVE that it is important to give back to our environment, and we make it a priority to donate a portion of profits to Glory Bee's, Save The Bee Foundation. 100% of their donations goes directly to action and education towards protecting our bees. Our love of flowers, and nature, drives us to help our honey bees who are in critical desperation. We consider it paying a royalty to them, for use of their name but mostly because we appreciate the amazing world that they have helped maintain for us, and the beautiful flowers and delicious foods we couldn’t live without! #savethebees

DONATE here, if you feel so inclined, or choose us as your floral designer and event planner and we will do the donating for you! We can't live without these little guys, as scary as they may seem to some, they are in desperate need for help, respect and love. 

"Our task must be to free ourselves by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature and it's beauty" - Albert Einstein